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H2 is proud to offer WorkForce to businesses across the country. We made this tool to help businesses deal with the issues within their workforce and supply chain given the effects of COVID-19.

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H2 WorkForce is a platform that matches employers who have excess capacity to the employers that need employees. Talent is matched based on the individual’s skills and thus, is a trained and skilled resource. The platform finds an employee who fits the role and then deploys them to the job. The matches follow a rigorous process to ensure a fit which additionally guarantees that employers share, but do not poach, talent for a designated time.


Application: To apply for the program please go to this link and fill out the application.

The start of the process is a short application with no fee. Once complete, the WorkForce team will reach out within two business days. After being accepted into the program, H2 will provide all links, information, and documentation necessary to continue.

Legal Documents: The required legal documents to participate in the program, can be found here:

After applying, legal documentation is completed to ensure that talent is shared, not poached. The legal documents create a safe space for work so that this program can focus on getting the highest quality workers. Once all of the documentation has been completed and approved, an email will be sent out within two business days to give access to the full use of WorkForce to the respective businesses for any employment needs.

Providing/Receiving Employees: Once the required documents are provided, access to the joint employment system becomes accessible, and employees can be provided or received. At this point the full access to the marketplace and all of the talent is available. When providing employees, all volunteers sign legal documentation to protect businesses and allow for comfortable sharing. The employee’s supervisor fills out an objective skill assessment shared on the platform and allows for the highest quality matching for the employer’s needs. When receiving employees, a business can look through the potential workers to find the perfect match based on highly detailed talent filtering.

Feedback: Once the matching employee has been matched with a job, H2 Solutions will monitor the process and ask for feedback throughout the agreed contract. For providers and receivers, feedback will need to be provided daily to ensure that businesses receive the best service.


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