We Got You
H2 and Manufacturer’s Edge, We Got You!
The outbreak of COVID-19 has many of us scrambling and wondering where we go to get the supplies we need. Large companies are at a considerable disadvantage with the possibilities of shutdowns for organizations that have more than 250 people looking very real on the horizon, and rumors in the news about state and national borders being closed, the question of massive supply chain interruptions isn’t a matter of if, but when. Small companies face the same hurdles but are often poorly positioned to deal with major disruptions. This is a worst-case scenario many businesses have not planned for because it just never seemed real.

H2 Manufacturing Solutions has been monitoring the situation closely and positioning ourselves for several weeks by partnering with companies in various industries and sizes to work on supply chain and workforce issues. We have also partnered with Manufacturer’s Edge, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership for Colorado, to help your company stay lean enough to avoid shutdowns, even if you face reduced numbers of staff due to illness or mandatory quarantines. The only thing we need now to help your company stay afloat is you. Please reach out to us, even on the weekend, and we will help you assess your weaknesses and help you build a plan to deal with not just this storm but future ones as well.
If we work as a team, Colorado will keep building through this, and we will be stronger in the end.
Some Survival Tips!
We have some tips for manufacturers and other small businesses to survive COVID-19:
Don’t Panic! – Take a deep breath. Just because everything seems like chaos, it doesn’t mean you can’t get through it.
Shorten Your Supply Chains! – Look local for things. It may cost you more, but it might be a lot easier to keep your deliveries on time and your customers happy. Plus, you will be supporting other local companies that may also be struggling!
Telecommuting! – Allow remote work for those who don’t need to be on site. Work to find state and local resources to help you and your employees cover any additional costs associated with telecommuting.
Take Care of Your People! – Encourage your employees to be smart and not come into work if they are ill. Offer paid sick time (even if you currently don’t) to your employees. What will cost you more money, paying one or two employees sick pay or being shut down because your entire company becomes infected and you can’t deliver products to your customers?
Call your Insurance Company/Agent!– Your policy may have “Force Majeure” or “Act of God” coverages that can help your company weather the storm. This is why you have insurance, don’t be afraid to use it!
Contact the Colorado Enterprise Fund! – They are there to help small Colorado Businesses get loans and Lines of Credit to keep operating during difficult times.