Why this matters
With the recent rise in COVID cases, it is more important than ever to protect our community. The last thing anyone wants is to close their facility for a 14-day quarantine if an outbreak occurs. Further, if the proper steps are not taken to ensure that your facility is safe, you might be exposed to legal liability.
Our solution for this is the 5 Star COVID Safety System. With the safety system, a team of experts will help you sort through the complexity of CDC, State, and Local government safety guidelines to ensure that you know what is required to make your facility safe. Once safe, a non-accredited certification can be pursued, which can be publicly displayed so that your teammates and those coming to your facility have peace of mind that you are taking every step to keep them safe.
1. Pre-Audit Planning (1-hour meeting via zoom or phone): H2 and the client will discuss the largest areas of concern in the designated facility(ies), any prior assessment or work that has been done at the facility(ies), what will be included in the audit (buildings, grounds, etc.), what full compliance with public health regulations means and what full certification requires and, finally, what the Safety System entails.
2. Audit and Gap Assessment (2 to 3-hour on-site audit): this step begins with a discussion regarding the Federal/CDC, State, and Local regulations required for the facility(ies) to be safe. Then, the facility(ies) will be audited to include a gap assessment relative to the guidelines and suggested remedies to achieve compliance.
3. Regulations and Cohort Tracing Training (1-hour post-audit via zoom): training includes when/how to conduct Cohort tracing to assist county public health organizations with contact tracing information and Q&A for participants to have their questions/concerns addressed. Also provided is an online tool for staff/ management to use for contact tracing and record-keeping/tracking. It is preferred that this step happens in partnership with the facility’s public health official and the administrator responsible for contact tracing at the facility(ies).
4. Non-Accredited Certification/Recertification (1 to 2-hour on-site visit for certification. On-site visit for recertification every 8 weeks): re-audit the facility(ies) for compliance with current Federal/CDC, State, and Local public health guidelines. A signed, non-accredited certificate of compliance is issued.
Ignorance isn’t Bliss
Did you know?
- Without the correct safety precautions, the entire facility must shut down for 14 days.
- If your efforts to create and maintain a safe facility are not documented, you can be sued for failing to care “reasonable” precautions.
- Headaches often are the first symptom of COVID.
If you feel like a double-check of your safety measures would help prevent the spread and improve employee comfort with the facility, click below to contact us.
We will help you and your employees feel confident in coming into work.