COVID 19 Policies and Procedures

H2 Solutions is taking the following steps to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID 19 to our staff and our customers through the following policies and procedures.

  • Meetings – Meetings will be conducted virtually whenever possible. We are happy to host meetings using our premium Zoom channel.
  • Remote Work – Our staff is working from home unless an on-site audit or inspection is required. On-site will only be performed if it cannot be handled remotely.
  • Social Distancing – Strict 6-8ft social distancing rules are in effect when working around others.
  • Face Coverings – All staff must wear face coverings when any in-person interaction occurs, even if social distancing is enforced. This includes “off the clock” time, as we don’t want our employees to either contract COVID-19 or transmit it to others in the event they are infected but asymptomatic. To this end, we have provided cloth face masks to all employees.
  • Testing – we have contracted the services of COVIDCheck Colorado to provide testing services for our employees. All employees will be tested weekly at no cost to the employee.

Additional activities related to our response to COVID-19

From the first cases being reported in China, we had concerns about how COVID-19 would affect manufacturers and the world. When Wuhan Province went into lockdown, many of our client companies felt immediate shortages in their supply chain. We have worked diligently to help them close the gaps by shortening their supply chains and working with local companies.

Additionally, we partnered with several Colorado companies and formed the Colorado Manufacturers COVID Task Force and have produced over 1500 Respirator Masks distributed to Domestic Violence Prevention groups, Homeless Shelters, Senior Residential Facilities, Fire Departments and Law Enforcement, to name a few. These are being provided to any who need them at no cost through the Warehouse Business Accelerator funding. This non-profit organization was set up in response to the floods of 2013 and is perfectly positioned to aid us in the project.

“There are four pillars, and everyone who has worked with me, for me, has heard this. I think that you have to have heightened self-awareness, you have to have ingenuity, you’ve got to lead from compassion, and here’s the biggie, heroic ambition. And if there was ever a time for heroic ambition, it was now.”

Heidi Hostetter
H2 Solutions

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